social media classmates...

Collaboration is such a good way to learn as we each ask different questions and want to investigate avenues of our interests. This could be stimulating and add more to our thinking than working from our own perspective as we do most of the time. My title has to do with my research on the creative process through the voices and experiences of women artists and creativity as a catalyst, if so, in resilience after major illness. This blog has developed around my growing interest and fascination with social media that is constantly in the news as it has entered so many aspects of life today. Possible uses of Internet tools for research are being explored.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

August posts With Gene

August 26th, 2010: Susan’s Journal: Social Media, Research, and Personal Comments and Reflections

This space is dedicated to thoughts on the Social Media class and the connections with my dissertation research and my own need for creative outlets. I can see that there is much to learn and experimenting will be eye opening and new territory for me. I have been exploring ever since we left Cambridge a few weeks ago, yet I didn't know how or where to put this information. So, I hope this is the right place as so much is happening and so fast that I want to document it all and share valuable things with classmates and learn from them as well.

First week: Mary Ellen and I practiced using voice thread and tried to send them back and forth to each other. WE had some success on our three hour Skype call and some barriers with the limited free program. WE already wanted to do more than it seemed we were allowed. She wrote to UT and I to Lisa about problems. It has been used successfully by classroom teachers when presenting one image and having members of the class comment on it, one at a time and their picture comes up when speaking. All members of the class are represented around the image. It is good practice for students, these were primarily young children, in speaking aloud to a group. They can express their opinions, learning, point of view and added comments and get teacher encouragement. Teachers and others from other cities can see their project and make comments to the students. It seems empowering to young ones to speak and be heard, thus validated. Mary Ellen and I have more to go on successfully sending them back and forth.

I have experimented and listen to the Prezi presentation numerous times and like it but find it a bit clumsy. I will have to get my info together to know whether it fits my topic. It would fit some things better than others. It would definitely enliven a presentation. Powerpoint is great for the lecturer, but puts everyone to sleep immediately.So, I want to import images..

I don't know if anyone has listened in the last few days, August 23-tomorrow 27 to the first International Art Therapists in Private Practice teleconference??? The concept is fantastic as people from all over the world can listen in to live presentations ( they have ten speakers) on their computers or by phone. If you can't be there at the moment, you can access the information at your convenience later by downloading it. Cathy Malchiodi and Gretchen Miller did one on our class topic, Social Media. It was basically stating the benefits of four mail tools, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. In today's world where people can communicate, collaborate, and share information daily.I have listened to four or five speakers and gotten handouts and I will say lots more about that