social media classmates...

Collaboration is such a good way to learn as we each ask different questions and want to investigate avenues of our interests. This could be stimulating and add more to our thinking than working from our own perspective as we do most of the time. My title has to do with my research on the creative process through the voices and experiences of women artists and creativity as a catalyst, if so, in resilience after major illness. This blog has developed around my growing interest and fascination with social media that is constantly in the news as it has entered so many aspects of life today. Possible uses of Internet tools for research are being explored.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

after Pilot Study reflections

My data is a series of interviews with three women artists, two are visual artists and one in a choreographer. I am realizing that I have recordings of our interviews that there are ways of speaking and communicating between the researcher and the participants that do not come across in the transcriptions, i.e. the written word as in text.

I would see that the human voice is essential in representing the relational aspects of the personal and empathic understanding which developed in the course of the three interviews.

Including art work or clips of dance performances could add visuals to the documents..